Liz Verbeek

Scientific programmer



Liz Verbeek is a Scientific Programmer at the Department of Multi Actor Systems, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, at the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. She holds a Master’s degree in Computational Science and a Bachelor’s degree in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Amsterdam.

Within the Center for Social Complexity of Climate Change, she focuses on optimization and scalability of agent-based models. As scientific programmer, she plays a central role within the team, working together with all team members on programming-related challenges.

In her free time, she likes to enjoy a beer with friends, play board games and go to the (movie) theater or music festivals. She also enjoys improving her cooking skills by making dinner for her friends or trying out new recipes.


Agent Based Modeling60%
Scientific Computing30%
Artificial Intelligence10%


2019 - 2021
MSc Computational Science, University of Amsterdam
November 2020 - Februari 2021
Student Assistant windstorm damage modeling, Institute for Environmental Studies VU Amsterdam
2014 - 2019
BSc Artificial Intelligence, University of Amsterdam